A Self-Consistent Model for Relativistic Outflows
from Advection-Dominated Accretion Disks with Shocks around Black Holes
Dr. Truong Le
Tuesday, 18 May 2004
Relativistic outflows (jets) of matter are commonly observed from systems
containing black holes. In these systems, the accretion rate is low,
radiative cooling is inefficient, and the gas in the disk cools via the
emission of high-energy particles in the jet. The strongest outflows occur
in the radio-loud systems, which contain hot, tenuous accretion disks that
have generally been modeled using the ADAF scenario. However, there has
been some ongoing inconsistency between the theory and the observations
because the original ADAF model does not include any outflow, despite the
fact that the temperature in the disk is so high that the gas is
gravitationally unbound. Up until the present time, no comprehensive model
for the disk structure and the associated outflow has yet been produced.
In this talk we will discuss a new, self-consistent model describing the
structure of an inviscid, advection-dominated accretion disk, including a
standing shock in which particles are efficiently accelerated up to
relativistic energies before escaping from the disk. The shock is
supported by the centrifugal barrier in the disk. This is the first model
to successfully explain the outflows using a well understood microphysical
particle acceleration mechanism. The theoretical analysis parallels the
early study of cosmic-ray acceleration in supernova shock waves. Using the
mass and accretion rate for the black hole in M87, we demonstrate the
self-consistency of the model by comparing the predicted jet kinetic
luminosity with the observations. We also describe in detail how the
particles are advected, diffused, and accelerated within the disk,
resulting in a nonthermal distribution of relativistic particles with a
power-law tail at the highest energies.
Slides of this presentation