Exoplanets and Stellar Astrophysics Laboratory

Yesenia Arroyo


Yesenia Arroyo's Contact Card & Information.
Email: yesenia.arroyo@nasa.gov
Phone: 301.286.2436
Org Code: 667
Mail Code 667
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Employer: Southeastern Universities Research Assoc.

Brief Bio

Yesenia Arroyo is a post-baccalaureate comms specialist for the Habitable Worlds Observatory. They have an undergraduate degree in Geology from the University of Florida.

Yesenia has research interests in volcanology, planetary analog fieldwork, human space exploration, and science communications and outreach.


Outreach Coordinator - Habitable Worlds Observatory

SURA/NASA GSFC - Greenbelt, MD

August 2024 - Present

As coordinator, Yesenia coordinates, plans, and manages HWO booth presence and public events, including scheduling staff, designing table layouts, and creating communication resources for staff at over eight internal and external events. Yesenia has also designed and produced outreach materials including flyers and educational resources to support HWO functions, like conferences, international partner events, and congressional engagements.

As a content lead, Yesenia manages the development and maintenance of the NASA's official HWO website, incorporating feedback from stakeholders. Yesenia also curates and publishes content for the official NASA astrophysics website, NASA Universe (nasa.gov/universe).

Post-Baccalaureate Research Assistant - Habitable Worlds Observatory

SURA/NASA GSFC - Greenbelt, MD

October 2023 - August 2024

Yesenia is a content lead for the Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO) communications. They are primarily responsible for upkeep of the NASA HWO website on nasa.gov/HWO and curating the NASA Universe home page (nasa.gov/universe.)

Assistant Scientist - GeoSPACE Project Manager

University of Florida - Gainesville, FL

August 2022 - July 2024

GeoSPACE is a two-week planetary geology and volcanology field course that focuses on providing hybrid fieldwork opportunities for students with disabilities and nontraditional students. Yesenia managed the logistics for the field course, including selecting participants, organizing required forms and permits from participants and for national park visits, procuring lodging and transportation, and driving a passenger van to various locations based around Flagstaff, AZ including the San Francisco Volcanic Field.

Fabrication Lab Instructor

The Dorothy Lumley Melrose Center for Technology, Innovation, & Creativity - Orlando, FL

September 2019 - August 2022

Organized, created, and taught various SOP's for fabrication lab equipment, including CAM equipment like laser cutters, 3D printers, and a CNC mill, to patrons and other staff members.

Teaching Experience

Orlando Science Center / Educator / 12/2012 - 07/2015

Kelly Services / Substitute Teacher / 12/2016 - 09/2017


BA Geology, University of Florida, December 2021


NSF GEOscience Research Experiences for Post-Baccalaureate Students (GEO-REPS) - 09/2022 - $48,598

Special Experience

FAA Drone Pilot - Issued 05/16/2022

Powerplant Maintenance Certificate - George T. Baker Aviation - 12/2009