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Peteet Recognized as Outstanding Researcher
Congratulations to Dorothy Peteet (611) for receiving the "2025 Outstanding Environmental Researcher” award from the Hudson River Environmental Society.
Schmidt Discusses Climate and Disasters
Gavin Schmidt (611) was featured in the PBS article “How climate change may have created 'perfect storm' for LA fires" and The New York Times article "We’re in a New Era’: How Climate Change Is Supercharging Disasters” by David Gelles and Austyn Gaffney.
Global Temperature Makes News
Gavin Schmidt (611) was featured in NPR's article “2024 was the hottest year on record. The reason remains a science mystery” by Alejandra Borunda.
Tselioudis Chats Climate and Clouds
George Tselioudis (611) was interviewed in YouTube's “Global Warming➔Fewer Clouds➔More Warming! with George Tselioudis | Climate Chat.”
Schmidt Quoted in The Atlantic
Gavin Schmidt (611) was quoted in The Atlantic's article, “Climate Models Can’t Explain What’s Happening to Earth” by Zoë Schlanger.
Tselioudis Featured in Science
George Tselioudis (611) was featured in Science's article, “Earth’s clouds are shrinking, boosting global warming” by Paul Voosen.
PACE-PAX: A Day in the Life of a NASA Field Campaign
It’s a flight day for one of NASA’s most expansive and complex field campaigns.
The goal: to check the data collected from orbit by NASA’s PACE (Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem) mission. To do that, members of the PACE-PAX (PACE Postlaunch Airborne eXperiment) field campaign deployed two aircraft and a research ship from multiple locations in California over the duration of September 2024.
Schmidt Talks Clouds in The Times
Gavin Schmidt (611) was quoted in The Times’ article, “Fewer clouds could be to blame for 2023’s record heat.”
2024 Clarivate (Web of Science) Highly Cited Researchers
Benjamin Cook (611), Joanna Joiner (614), Alexei Lyapustin (613), Doug Morton (618), Nima Pahlevan (619), and Ben Poulter (618) were selected as 2024 Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate (Web of Science). Recipients are recognized for their exceptional research influence, demonstrated by the production of multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year.
October GISS Temperature Data Released
October 2024 was the second-hottest October in NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies record, GISTEMP. The month was 1.32 C (or about 2.38 F) above the long-term 1951–1980 average. It was slightly cooler than Oct. 2023, though the margins of error overlap, so the two are effectively tied.
Cook Discusses Record U.S. Drought
Benjamin Cook (611) was featured in The New York Times news article, “In a Record, All but Two U.S. States Are in Drought” by Austyn Gaffney and Mira Rojanasakul.
Cook Comments on La Nina Possibility
Benjamin Cook (611) was quoted in The Washington Post’s article, “La Nina could soon arrive. Here's what that means for winter weather” by Isabella O’Malley.
Notes from the Field: Twenty-one Hours a Day on 30-Foot Floating Science Lab
Off the coast of southern California, a research team sails for science on the Research Vessel Blissfully. https://earthobserv
PACE Blog: NASA Pilots Use Specialty Suits to Validate Data
Welcome to NASA’s Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem Postlaunch Airborne eXperiment (PACE-PAX). PACE-PAX uses the unique vantage point of the ER-2 aircraft to gather data on small particles in the atmosphere and ultimately help verify the data gathered by the satellite in orbit.
Notes from the Field: Sailing Away for PACE
Hello from sunny Santa Barbara, California, where the ship operations for the PACE-PAX campaign are underway!
August Features Heat
GISS scientists discussed ocean warming, the unexpected pace of heating, and recent July temperatures with several media outlets. Gavin Schmidt (611) was quoted in The Guardian news article, “‘We should have better answers by now’: climate scientists baffled by unexpected pace of heating.” Schmidt was also interviewed by Rebecca Hersher of NPR in “The oceans are weirdly hot. Scientists are trying to figure out why.” Kate Marvel (611), Gavin Schmidt (611), and Peter Jacobs (130) were featured in Bloomberg’s online article, “Was July 2023 or July 2024 the Hottest Month on Record? Yes.”
Notes from the Field: Day-in-the-Life of a PACE-PAX Mission Flight
We are in the field supporting PACE-PAX (Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem Postlaunch Airborne eXperiment), a multi-disciplinary mission that involves two aircraft—the NASA ER-2 and CIRPAS Twin Otter—and several mobile ocean assets, all helping to validate observations and data products from NASA’s new satellite observation platform, PACE.
La Nina's Delay
Azhar Ehsan (611/Columbia) was quoted by The San Francisco Chronicle's Weather Science Team on ongoing ENSO-neutral conditions, the delayed transition to La Niña, and the impacts of this large-scale driver for California's winter climate in 2024/25.
NASA GISS GISTEMP Monthly Global Temperature Data Release
The monthly GISTEMP surface temperature analysis update has been posted. The global mean temperature anomaly for July 2024 was 1.21°C above the 1951-1980 July average.
Peteet Featured in The New York Times
Dorothy Peteet (611) was featured in The New York Times article entitled "Armed With Saran Wrap, She Sinks in the Muck to Save the Planet."
Jägermeyr Talks Food Future with NYTimes
Jonas Jägermeyr (611/Columbia) spoke with David Wallace-Well of The New York Times for the featured article, ‘Food as You know it is About to Change.’
WSJ Podcast Features Schmidt
Dr. Gavin Schmidt (611) discussed how NASA's satellites are contributing to scientists' understanding of Earth's climate on the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) podcast The Future of Everything.
Schmidt Discusses Ship Emissions and Global Heat
Gavin Schmidt (611) was quoted in several media outlets, including The Guardian and the New Scientist, about a possible link between cleaner ship emissions and global warming events.
ESD Scientists Support ARCSIX Campaign
ESD scientists are in Pituffik, Greenland, or are participating remotely this month for the first Arctic Radiation-Cloud-Aerosol-Surface-Interaction Experiment (ARCSIX) aircraft campaign deployment. ARCSIX seeks to understand how coupling between radiative processes and sea ice surface properties influence summer sea ice melt, understand processes controlling the predominant Arctic cloud regimes and their properties, and improve our ability to monitor Arctic cloud, aerosol, radiation, and sea ice processes from space.
Showing 1 to 24 of 188.