Ph.D. Cornell University (1979)
M.S. Cornell University (1976)
A.B. University of California, Berkeley (1972)
Dr. Chen is a senior Research Physicist with the Beam Physics Branch, Plasma Physics Divison at the Naval Research Laboratory. He has investigated a broad range of plasma phenomena with applications to magnetospheric, ionospheric and solar phenomena as well as laboratory plasmas. His research interests have included nonlinear dynamical phenomena in space plasmas, eruptive phenomena in the solar corona and in interplanetary space, and interaction of solar ejecta with the earth's magnetosphere.
Prior to joining the Naval Research Laboratory in June 1985, Dr. Chen was a Research Physicist at Science Applications International Corporation, McLean, VA (June 1981--May 1985) conducting research on magnetospheric physics and a Research Physicist at Plasma Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (October 1978--May 1981), specializing in laboratory plasma physics.