Geodesy and Geophysics Laboratory

Upcoming Events

Thursday, March 13, 2025
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
SED Director’s Seminar
Please join us for the SED Director’s Seminar. Hosted by the Observational Cosmology Laboratory, Code 665!

PRIME camera infrared facility -- status and plans.
Dr. Alexander Kutyrev, UMD

Unraveling Stellar Population Puzzles using the MaNGA Data
Dr. Pal Tathagata, NPP

A Super Star Cluster is born - JWST Photometry and Spectra Reveal Dust and Ice in N79
Dr. Isha Nayak, NPP

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Tuesday, March 18, 2025
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
GMAO Seminar Series
Clara Draper, NOAA
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Wednesday, March 19, 2025
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
AAS Goddard Space Science Symposium
The symposium is back for its 62nd year of bringing the space community together to discuss the latest in the industry!

For registration information and more, please visit the official website.
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Featured Videos

The Geocenter of the Earth Is Changing

At the foundation of virtually all airborne, space-based and ground-based Earth observations is the Terrestrial Reference Frame (TRF). The TRF relies on an accurate calculation of the geocenter of the Earth. However, one complication is that the geocenter is constantly changing with respect to the Earth’s surface.

USFS/GEDI Old Growth Forest Visualization

This visualization begins with a view of USFS Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) plot locations (orange dots) across the continental US. GEDI vegetation height data then draws on dynamically, showing how data from both the USFS and NASA can be used together to increase spatial coverage.

NASA Sees Tides Under Ocean’s Surface

Internal tides, or internal waves, can reach hundreds of feet underneath the ocean surface, but might only be a few inches high on the surface. Even though they’re underwater, NASA can see these tides from satellites. They provide oceanographers with a unique way to map and study the much larger internal water motion.

NASA Explores Earth's Magnetic 'Dent'

Earth’s magnetic field acts like a protective shield around the planet, repelling and trapping charged particles from the Sun. But over South America and the southern Atlantic Ocean, an unusually weak spot in the field – called the South Atlantic Anomaly, or SAA – allows these particles to dip closer to the surface than normal.


Local News


Leonid Petrov (61A) was interviewed by Time magazine and was asked to explain why polar nights happen, how long they last, an...

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We are thrilled to announce the selection of Dr. Richard Ray as the 2025 William Nordberg Memorial Award for Earth Scienc...

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